Our Learning Model
The 10 THRIVING QUOTIENT – A New Vision For Student Success.
Little Earth Education definition of Thriving is derived from existing measures and perspectives of psychological well-being and student success.
The Genius 10 Quotient Model Will Take Your Kid Further In Life!
Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
It can show your child’s knowledge level, observation, memory, thinking, imagination and creativity.
Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ)
It refers to the ability to manage emotions and interpersonal skills.
Adversity Intelligence Quotient (AQ)
It refers to the capacity to face difficulties.
Moral Intelligence Quotient (MoQ)
includes caring, respect, tolerance, forgiveness, honesty, responsibility, peace, loyalty, politeness, humor, and other virtues.
Daring Intelligence Quotient (DQ)
It can show your child’s courage, in a word it is a spirit of adventure.
Financial Intelligence Quotient (FQ)
It can show your child’s capacity of financial management.
Mental Intelligence Quotient (MeQ)
It can show your child’s ability to maintain mental health and commissioning psychological pressure
Will Intelligence Quotient (WQ)
It can show your child’s will, including toughness, determination and self-control.
Spiritual Intelligence Quotient (SQ)
It can show your child’s ability of insight of things.
Health Intelligence Quotient (HQ)
It can show your child’s awareness and reaction on health. The greatest wealth is health and peace is happiness. Health is the basics of life.
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Our programs are design to help students visualize their future success and to develop and apply their strengths
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